Gearshop is a 100% New Zealand-owned outdoor gear retailer.
”Our customers trust us to offer the right advice and equipment that will last. We pride ourselves on our customer service and take great care to ensure our customers are equipped for safe and fun adventures of all kinds. We choose products for Gearshop with care, often selecting products made by smaller family businesses who value quality and believe in making products that will last.”
Gearshop staff are active outdoor people who climb, cave, tramp, bike, kayak, and sail. The are people who know their way around the outdoors, with experience as guides and instructors, and as volunteers in search and rescue. The team know how to ensure people receive the right outdoor equipment and proper advice, so that customers can stay safe and fully enjoy their outdoor experiences.
- Camping Equipment
- Climbing Gear & Equipment
- Biking Gear & Equipment
- Running Gear
- Sports Training & Practice Equipment
- Fitness Gear
- Tech
- Dehydrated Food
- Hunting & Fishing Gear
- Outdoor Clothing & Footwear
- Travel Gear
- Work Gear, Heigh Safety & Fall Arrest
Visit the main showroom located at 53c Bolt Road, Tahunanui, Nelson, and explore our wide range of products.
Gearshop’s new store is ready to welcome you with a fantastic shopping experience at 213 been Street, Richmond, Nelson
If you need an item urgently, we recommend contacting the store by phone or email before placing your order to confirm its immediate availability.