Registration for the 2017 Most Trusted Businesses in Tauranga Awards Open
Check to see if your business is already registered
To register please contact Most Trusted at –
Important Information:
- Registration closes Sept 1, 2017
- All members of Most Trusted are automatically registered
- Voting begins Sept 1 and ends Nov 1st.
- Overall winners and category winners announced Mid November
- Overall Winners receive:
- Winners logo/ badge for their own marketing use
- Facebook Adwords Campaign advertising their win
- Google Adwords Advertising Campaign advertising their win
- Featured in an email campaign to Tauranga business leaders
- Category Winners receive
- Winners logo/ badge for their own marketing use
- Google Adwords Campaign Advertising their Win
- Featured in an email campaign to Tauranga business leaders
The winners will be based on the following criteria:
- Total Number of qualified reviews/ ratings received on your Most Trusted Business webpage between Sept 1 and Nov 1st, 2017
- Average rating of the qualified business reviews/ ratings. Note: poor reviews will not be published but will be factored in.
- Ratings are out of 5 stars for – Value for money, Location, Service, Expertise and Features.
- Membership of other Tauranga business groups